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Infernal Union: Sinister Initiation & The Satanic Psalms – Michael W. Ford

Infernal Union: Sinister Initiation & The Satanic Psalms – Michael W. Ford

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Infernal Union is a Satanic grimoire that identifies and reveals the symbolism, theory, and practice of Left-Hand Path magical practices centered within Luciferian Philosophy. Developed from the metaphysical framework of ancient Hebrew, Gnostic, Qliphothic, Coptic, and Biblical demonology, the establishment of identifying oppressive beliefs: errors in the very basis of monotheism. This includes concepts that the Serpent was “evil” because it introduced self-awareness and the knowledge of good and evil, etc. The balance between angelic and demonic energies and the guidance of Lucifer are contained in this essential “devil’s bible” and grimoire focused on the Luciferian Triad of Liberation, Illumination, and Apotheosis.

The Satanic Antitrinity is presented here, exalting the energy of the Dragon, Beast, and Spirit of Evil; all of which have different and deeper meaning and are beyond actual concepts of “Good” and “Evil”. Lilith is the motivating and fiery aspect of the Adversary within each of the Antitrinity. The meaning and method of dedication and initiation are contained herein. You will find both rites and myths of medieval diabolism and of classical Luciferian symbolism.

The early medieval Heresies derived from Gnostic, Manichaean, and similar Satanology express that the world was essentially created and under the rule of Satan (Lucifer); this belief structure was persecuted by the mainstream religious organizations and supporting nobility of the Middle Ages, successfully burnt, and destroyed what they thought was most of such teachings and adherents. The themes and writings survived, echoing in the core spirituality reflected in the seeds of rebellion within humanity itself. Hymns, invocations, and rituals dedicated to the Satanic Spirit, exalted in one’s own Black Flame are published here for the Luciferian to utilize as he or she sees fit.

The Qliphoth, the shells within the Abyss that are both within the Microcosm (the subconscious) and Macrocosm (outside potentially in the Cosmos or Anti-cosmos) are in Qabalah. How a Black Magician might work with the Sitra Achra (Other Side or Left-Side) that is under the rule of Samael and Lilith is often confusing and obscure in mysticism. This grimoire reveals knowledge and insight gained from delving deeper into initiatory practice from Lurianic and Sabbatean heretical lore adapted to modern Luciferian Magickal concepts. The Qliphoth and initiation is centered and focused on Malkuth and Yesod, two Spheres of the Sitra Achra that are essential into the initiation into Satanic/Luciferian Current. The Infernal Union is a symbolic description of the union of Samael and Lilith via Leviathan in Yesod; wherein the Black Magician begets the symbolic reflection of Chiva (The Beast) and Baphomet, seeking balance and self-mastery.

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