Collection: Herbs

Welcome to the enchanted garden of herbs at the Pickeyweedz Metaphysical Store, where each leaf, root, and blossom holds the promise of healing, wisdom, and spiritual transformation. Our collection offers a bountiful array of botanical treasures meticulously sourced and curated to support your holistic well-being, magical practices, and spiritual journey.


(sold by the ounce / bagged in-store)

Please note that none of the herbs or teas sold by Pickeyweedz are intended to replace care or advice from a qualified medical professional.

Medicinal notations on each herb are intended to note the traditional uses of each herb or supplement.  They are not intended as a means of prescribing anything nor should they be interpreted as medical advice.

Always consult your physician or qualified medical provider prior to ingesting ANY herb or other supplement.

Pickeyweedz is not responsible & is to be held harmless from anyone disregarding the prescribed care / advice or direction of a qualified medical professional / Doctor.