Watching The Decline

Watching The Decline

As I sit here in the mornings with my coffee, watching what appears like utter madness in D.C. I can only shake my head and feel rage at people whom I know personally. It’s not madness, it’s a well planned coup,  I’ve yelled that this was coming for years. Since the 80’s, this has been the aim of the Christian Nationalist movement. They were very open about it, hiding nothing, projecting “we’re going to take the Seven Mountains.” 

There are seven aspects of society that Christian Nationalists seek to dominate: family, religion, education, media, arts and entertainment, business, and government and they’ve done it, we’ve been infiltrated at every level, they even have a cabal of entertainers, Hollywood celebrities pumping out some of the most boring, sappy content ever, all in the name of Christian Nationalism using people like Kirk Cameron, Nicolas Cage and a host of other B-rated stars, if you can call them that with a straight face...  It appears innocuous on the face of it, but this “entertainment” was a clarion call to the faithful. Most everyone I talked to about this or tried to reason with, called me a nutter, a conspiracy theorist, accused me of being dramatic, but I was privy to these monster’s conversations. I was there for many of them, listening from the sidelines as I am no one to them, I was cheap entertainment for parties and barbecues, I ran in the circles that cleaned their homes, tended their bars, catered their parties and entertained them. 

I am a serious student of patterns and I’ve watched this spiral into the abyss since it began to take shape from a thought form into an actionable plan, I have watched in horror as we slide toward a theocratic state the likes of Afghanistan and Iran, both of which we are responsible as a country for having created, so why shouldn’t we suffer the same fate? 

It’s like watching your parents slide into Alzheimer’s. It’s sad and frustrating and there’s not one thing you can do about it as you watch them forget, forget everything they worked for and fought for and slide into darkness and fearfulness. Our country has forgotten everything we once fought for, everything we stood for, they’ve lost sight of the bright shining city on the hill. In their fear of change, in their fear of things that don’t look like or feel like white America anymore, they’ve regressed into hate and divisive tribalism grasping at whatever vestige of their past they can cling to and forsaking all others as their arms are laden with the icons of our dark past as colonizers and slave owners, clinging so furiously to their vitriolic rhetoric and genetic memory, they forsake all other parts of themselves that make us truly American, our American identity shattered by their insecurities and fear, and desire for control, control of the narrative, control of wealth, control of the color wheel of our destiny. 

We must medicate them in order to save them from themselves, we must inoculate ourselves against this diseased decline. We can not afford at this moment to hope that it gets better with time, like Alzheimer's, this disease of Nationalism too, will spread to all parts of the brain of this country if we don’t step in and restrain them for their own good. We will become their dystopian dream state, our demise will signal others. We have long been that shining city on the hill, too soon we shall become a wasteland. Action must happen, rhetoric and reason has failed, the time for reasonable discourse is long passed. 

Someone get the restraints… 


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