I'm tired. Exhausted. Worn to a frazzle with no reprieve in sight. The madness of these times seems unrelenting and it's taking a toll. Not just me, I see it on everyone thus continuing the cycle of frustration, depression, and helplessness and old Nitzer Ebb lyrics are playing on repeat in my head.
I have been on this Earth for over five decades and I cannot remember a time that felt like this. With the despair hanging in the air, permeating every aspect of life.
The sheer number of people I encounter that believe this two-bit conman and his bumbling troupe of hate filled buffoons is astounding. The gullibility of the willfully ignorant. People I thought highly of for years locking in to secure a place in his empire of hate.
I'm no stranger to the type. I've written about them, spoken out against them for years. Weak people that put on the act of the tough guy/gal. They're all about the performance and have nil for substance. They crave the positions of power to wield their misplaced hegemony acting out their childhood dreams of domination. When in reality.. the real one... they are pathetic, weak, ignorant, and quite frankly unevolved.
Tiny little creatures that require a louder version of themselves to feel empowered, to feel important when in that real reality - they're none of that. Weaponizing laws and entire departments that were created with the original intent of protecting the public instead now persecuting and destroying anything that does not fall in line.
In my youth, I was an anarchist. I suppose that is still in me somewhere as I feel the rage boiling that comes from my innate nature to resist. Resist! Growing up in the 70's and 80's there was no shortage of stupidity and Reagan who started all this fake-ass bullshit was in charge. Adults of the time seemed to be dumb as shit maybe not to the degree they are at the current moment.. but still... bought into another fake-ass TV / Movie personality playing at president's bullshit. Alone and abandoned in the world.. the removal of any form of shelter gave me the eyes to see through maybe not all of it at the time but still.. a great deal more than others seemed to.
Our generation had a solution for little punks who liked to play dress up and play-act the important 'leader' or the small-minded dolt that liked to bully those they felt smaller than them. we met them in the parking lot and beat the ever-living shit out of them. 99% of the time.. it was a course correction for the poorly laid plans of the delusional idiot. Picking themselves up off the pavement and rubbing their bruised jaw gave them moments to reflect on their own behavior and lines of thinking. They got checked.
We as a society stopped putting checks on bullies and miscreants out of an interest in becoming a more visibly polite society. We wanted as a society to paint every problem with a single brush and let's just talk about everyone's feelings and everything will be ok with a pill. If you haven't noticed... this plan of gentle parenting and the 'bad choice' strategy has failed miserably.
Now we have 'adults' who are literally walking around with a superiority complex that is quite frankly uncontainable.. who have never been told no as a child. This leads to adult-level bullies who use 'grown-up' methods to punish those not like them. They have zero empathy because they were born to privilege in more ways than one and again.. have never been told no or held to face the consequences of their actions.
Weak and uncultured people parading on stage with chainsaws, stupid 1980s sunglasses, and that smug look of false authority are leading us now. They were told they were awesome their entire lives and never held to account.. ever. This is our 'leadership' now. Smirking fake tough guys with zero experience are paraded out as our 'leaders' propped up by a sinister network of deviants hell-bent on power and control determined to bend the world into their demented vision.
Satiated by our constant stream of entertainment and the electronic pacifiers we are all addicted to.. we keep asking each other.. who's gonna do something about this?
We are conditioned to wait.. it will work out, someone will come forward and take care of this. We are conditioned to not lose our tempers, to maintain the status quo, and go about our lives.
We look to our 'leaders' who are also pacified and lulled into complacency by years of sorting things out in time..in their own way.. we don't see the existential threat that has now taken over.
We are being led into the pit by fools convinced of their righteousness and their wholesale dedication to protecting a man who has quite literally destroyed everything he has touched.
I've never been a big sports fan. Due to my rejection of anything that involves the aspect of groupthink, the stupidity of paying adults enormous sums of money to play a child's game.. I don't know. likely these and many more reasons I have never understood it.
That tendency to align one's entire personality to a sports franchise that counts on people doing just that for its survival. 'We won!' - really.. we? I didn't see you on the field.. oh... 'your' team won... and now you have assigned that victory to yourself who had absolutely nothing to do with it except fork over your attention and cash to further perpetuate the mythos of 'you' won. Nope.. don't get it. But others do and they do wrap their entire personality up into these sports teams.
Translate that over to politics and slather on the groupthink and we have the current administration and their gaggling buffoons who wear his merch, parade around town with their flags flying proudly.. and yell 'we won' to everyone who sees them and begins walking the other way.
It is the EXACT same thing.
The surrendering of common sense, the abandonment of empathy (if they ever had any), and the absolute fealty that goes along with sports-obsessed people and 'their' teams... has now been applied to politics, to laws, to things that affect everyone including the morons who did it to begin with. (cue the Leopard's eating my face song)
The Steelers winning a game doesn't impact the federal benefits of keeping families fed warm or clothed. But electing 'your team' has as we are seeing; has a profound impact to the negative.
Poor people voting against themselves is nothing new - but the scale of this seems unprecedented.
People have actually stood at our counter and railed against 'Obamacare' stating they much preferred the ACA. They have made claims that the former first lady 'was a man', that Biden was really a highly sophisticated robot. Grown-ass adults with professional-level careers. Reallly???
I can't even escape the stupidity in a video game or on Discord. Just last night someone told me well at least we have a businessman in office to fix things... that was the argument his first time around when he completely screwed up everything because he is no businessman... he is a complete idiot who has the IQ of a shoe and has been pampered and shielded from consequence his entire worthless life.
But our 'team' won. We won!
This is not sports. This is real life and the fact that people are viewing this akin to a sporting event is one of the many reasons why we are in the position we are in.
So what now?
Wallow in despair?
Hide in our homes?
Wait for the absolute cowards on our side of the aisle that are used to keeping themselves occupied kicking the ship into place with gentle nudges and strongly worded letters to actually I don't know.. fight? They are too busy with their inside trading to care about you.
None of that.
We must become what we were before the age of gentle.
We must become the destroyer of worlds.
We must become the opposition in every sense of the word. Resist at all points.
Reject the narrative being fed to us through now compromised social media applications.
Reject the gullible and stupid. It's too late to talk it out with them. It's too late to convince them. If they choose to switch directions and follow then fine, but words are wasted on the willingly deaf.
Resist Resist Resist.
Make good trouble.
Be a pain in their ass and call them out at every opportunity. I still struggle with this but I'm working on it. We all have to.
Make them uncomfortable to spew their bullshit propaganda.
Laugh at them and treat them as they really are.. a fake persona parading as 'tough'
Reject mainstream media. It is 100% propaganda on all sides. Seek out independent sources that have proven impartiality in their reporting.
Reject corporations who have sold us all out. Do not give them your money despite the temptation of pricing.
Embrace your community. Align with others who have somehow held on to their sanity in this world of chaos and work together to resist.
Shop small. Support small businesses that support you and support the communities around them.
Be strong. Be loud and Be unyielding.
Our democracy depends on it.
The Truth Against The World.